Monday, 20 May 2013

Boys, I want you to answer the questions below in your book. You should not be taking any longer than 10-12 minutes on this. Bring in for Friday please. June 2012

Monday, 13 May 2013

 I have emailed you your HW as well, along with your HIC/LIC groups.
You need to research and create A5 (or close to) Top Trump cards for one earthquake and one volcano.

Remember one side is doing HIC (Higher Income Countries) and the other LICs, (Lower).

Have an image at the top and the info below in this order.

Earthquakes: Magnitude, Mercalli, No. of Deaths, No. of Injured, Economic cost, Depth of Focus, Proximity to Epicentre (how close)

Volcano: Duration of eruption, size of area affected, No. of deaths, No. of injured, Ecomomic cost, Height of volcano, type of volcano (composite or shield)

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Right, boys, your HW is to complete the question below. I want you to answer it properly, not just use other peoples answers without knowing if they are correct or not.

I want this done by Tue evening. On Wed I will put up the mark scheme for the question. You will then have until Friday to reply to a post with a comment on what they have done, what they need to improve and a mark. Be honest, not mean or rude.

Any questions, email me.

(ii) Describe the distribution of earthquakes shown on Figure 4a.
Use evidence from Figure 4a in your answer.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Find & Share

Your task for Easter is to find a good resource on something we have looked at this year. It could be an online article or report, video, diagram..... It could be on challenges for the planet, rivers or coasts, up to you. I want you to find the resource and post the link as a comment below.

I then want you to watch/read 3 other posts and comment underneath with a comment of why you thought it was useful.

So... find and share 1 resource, comment on 3 from other people.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

He sounds a bit dull, but he's very clear and accurate. I want you to watch the video and give a stage by stage explanation of how a meander and then ox-bow lake are formed. Probably 4-5 points. Use as much key terminology as possible. 

Complete the question below and post as a comment. Remember to copy your answer before you click post just in case it is deleted.

"Choose a river you have studied. 

How has this river been managed? (6)"

Complete the question below and post as a comment. Remember to copy your answer before you click post just in case it is deleted.

Explain how flooding can be caused by physical factors. (4)