Saturday, 23 March 2013

Complete the question below and post as a comment. Remember to copy your answer before you click post just in case it is deleted.

"Choose a river you have studied. 

How has this river been managed? (6)"


  1. The river Thames runs through all of London and is a massive river so if it were to flood it could inflict colossal damage to people and industry's as London is a huge city full of people and is the heart of the industry of England. So the river Thames had a flood barrier built across which cost £535 million and is 520 meters long (a third of a mile). This was a hard engineering method as it is long lasting and does not benefit the environment. It is also obvious it is a hard engineering method as of its high cost as soft engineering almost always is a .lot cheaper then any hard engineering method and probably wouldn't cost more than £100 million

    1. Blandford on the river Stour!!!!!!

      The thames barrier is a coastal protection method. It cant protect from excessive rainfall etc.

      Can you redo this please, using the case study we discussed in class.

  2. Thames

    The Thames has a flood barrier which regulates the water level so that it does not get too high during storm surges and flow out on to London city around it. The city is also protected by embankments, which stop water from flowing out onto the land around by being raised far above the water level. There is also a flood relief channel called the jubilee river where the water from the Thames can flow if there is excess water. Land use zoning has also been used so the Thames flood plain can be flooded without high levels of destruction.

  3. Although this is not the case study we discussed, it is not a bad answer. The flood barrier protects the city from coastal flooding, so this is not corrrect. However, you have named a few ways in which it has been protected against river flooding. Embankments, flood releif channel, Land use zoning. You could develop your points slightly as the first half of your answer is not correct.


  4. River Stour, Blandford

    In Blandford, a flood management scheme has been put into place for the nearby river Stour. This scheme entails embankments, a flood plain and a flood wall. The embankments are on either side of the river, and are there to keep the river from overflowing and causing floods. There is a big flood plain on one side of the river, furthest away from town to protect a brewery, if the river does overflow, water will simply spill on to the flood plain. Finally, there is a flood wall in the town itself, next to the river. This is here to make sure that the river doesn't overflow and reach the roads and houses.

    1. Great answer Luis. Clearly stated and explained. Use of key terms and examples. Specific location information used.


  5. Blandford is in constant danger of being flooded by the river stour. So schemes have been put into place to stop floods occurring such as floodplains. Areas of low lying land that are prone to flooding. If any water does overflow it will mainly overflow onto the flood plain. The main reason a floodplain has been put into place is to protect a brewery in great threat of being damaged by floods. There are also embankments near the rivers mouth to prevent floods which helps as well. These methods are cheap and need little maintenance so are ideal for places that cant afford to use big methods to stop floods.

    1. 4/6. Some good points, but a bit washy. Get directly to the point. Point, explain, point explain,point, explain. Example in there somewhere. you dont fully explain what the embankments are doing.

      Make your point on zand zoning more explicit.

  6. Blanford is constantly threatened by flooding from the river stour. A scheme has been put in place which includes embankments, flood plains and a flood wall. There are embankments on either side of the river and are used to keep the river from overflowing and flooding. A flood plain has been put on one side of the river to protect a brewery. If the river does flood it will spill onto the flood plain. The flood wall is based in the town, next to the river protecting roads and houses from flooding.

  7. Blandford is under threat from flooding from the nearby river Stour. The flood prevention scheme contains embankments-on either side of the river to stop the rising water levels to flood the town. There is a flood plain in front of a brewery which means the flood waters are stuck in the flood plain and not flooding the brewery. There is also a flood wall at the town, acting as a "last resort" blocking the flood waters from entering the town and damaging the properties and people. Blandford's flood defences have already made profit as they cost 1.45 million to set up and have saved 1.6 million pounds worth of damage.

  8. The River Stour needs to be managed to prevent flooding to Blandford. By using river embankments the town has lowered the risk of the rivers overflowing and in areas such as the brewery flood plains have been installed in case the river does break. In addition, flood wall have been placed to protect major areas of Blandford that are prone to flooding.

  9. A scheme is being implemented for the river Stour in order to protect the town of Blandford. A 2.5 metre high flood wall has been built to protect houses and shops at the town centre by repelling the enegy of the floodwater. A flood bank has also been built in aid of protecting the industrial estate on the south side of the river. A pumping station is in use to pump flood water further downstream and an area of washland to allow floodwater to spread onto the space and reduce the amount of floodwater that reaches the town centre.

  10. The river stour in Blandford needed to be managed to prevent flooding, they built a river embankment on either side and has lowered the flood risk. they has also dedicated land to be used as flood plains to protect buildings such as the brewery. they have also used hard engineering such as a flood wall to protect major areas.

  11. The river stour in Blandford needed to be managed to prevent it from flooding the nearby area. Flood plains have been made to protect some areas like the brewery from being flooded by overflow water. the river also has embankments on either side of the river to reduce the chance of the river from overflowing. They have also installed a pumping station to pump out any excess water that manages to get past the other defenses. This scheme has profited them becasue it cost 1.45 million pounds to make however it is estimated that it has already saved the town 1.6 million pounds of flood damage.

  12. River Stour in Blandford: managed to prevent flooding. A 2.5 meter high flood wall has been built which will protect homes and the town centre. they also built a river embankment on both sides which has lowered the flood risk. flood plains were built in designated areas to protect areas such as the brewery. A pumping station was built to dissipate the amount of water in the area.

  13. The river stour in bland ford has been managed to prevent flooding. A flood wall has been built both sides of the river to prevent the water overflowing into the nearby town and houses. Embankments have also been built to lower the risk of water overflow. Flood plains are also used on certain stretches of the river to protect buildings such as the brewery.

  14. The River Stour in Blandford is very vunerable to flooding, but the council have made action to protect the town against it. They have built a wall at both sides of the river to prevent reaching the town if the river does overflow. There are also flood plains in certain areas around the river to protect important areas of Blandford.

  15. The River Stour, which runs through the town of Blandford is very prone to flooding, because the land is flat around the river. To combat this the council have made many actions to protect the town.

    A 2.5M high embankment has been placed just off the shore on the north bank, to stop any flood water from infiltrating the town. Under the wall, pumping systems have been put in place to pump the water to a different location so that the town isn't affected.

    Finally, a large area of land on the south bank of the river has been left empty and has been lowered, so that if the water rises to high, it will wash over this area and take longer to rise up to a height that will affect the town.

  16. The River Stour in Blandford is a threat of a flooding. This is because of: deforestation, it lies on a narrow flood plain and intense rainfall (at times). The defence scheme was that the council built a flood wall which is a hard engineering method so if the river went above its usual level the water would still not flood. Also, they used a flood bank so the water level won't rise.

  17. The River Stour that runs through Blandford is prone to flooding. Through certain parts of the river the council have built walls to prevent the town from being flooded when the water overflows from the lake. In other parts, flood plains have been made in order to protect parts of the town that could be harmed.
