Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Find & Share

Your task for Easter is to find a good resource on something we have looked at this year. It could be an online article or report, video, diagram..... It could be on challenges for the planet, rivers or coasts, up to you. I want you to find the resource and post the link as a comment below.

I then want you to watch/read 3 other posts and comment underneath with a comment of why you thought it was useful.

So... find and share 1 resource, comment on 3 from other people.


  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6964281.stm

    1. I found this article rather interesting as it showed that flooding can still happen easily even with the toughest defensive mechanisms. It gave me some extra information I could add about the Thames flood barrier not being able to support floods anymore and could really help if I were to explain about the Thames barrier in an exam question. I will give this article a 9/10.

    2. I found this BBC news article useful. It explained why a new Thames Barrier was needed to be built and that the likelihood of a flood is 2 times more likely then in the past. It gave me more information about the River Thames which would be very helpful in an exam situation. Also, the presentation near the bottom was very informative and showed how the Thames barrier works. Overall, the article was very good.

  2. http://youtu.be/cJ-J91SwP8w

    1. It was an ok video but there was lots of unnecessary information which filled up about 4 minutes of the video, rather than explain to me quickly how fossil fuels affect our planet it spent most of the time telling me how we used fossil fuels in WW1 and how it helped make the first car ETC:
      I would give this video a 6/10 as it had some useful information but a lot of it was unnecessary for what I was researching.

    2. I thought this video was good as it describes how fossil fuels have had an impact social, environmental and economic factors over a long period of time. Some points in this video I found unnecessary but overall I liked it and found it very descriptive.

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUh3WeilFN4

    1. I thought this video was good as it included a high amount of detail and had many geographical terms. It was easy to follow and had many facts about coastal erosion in England throughout, however in some parts of the video I found it repetitive and boring.

    2. I found this video informative however it was not presented in a way I found easy to remember or in a way I felt I could process in my mind, I would have to watch it several times and make notes before I felt I could say this resource was useful.

    3. This video was very good as it told us the ways in which the coastline changes shape. There is a lot of information in the video however some parts felt boring and slightly repetitive.

    4. this video gives some clear ways in which a coast is eroded and changes shape. however it was slightly difficult to follow

    5. I found this video to be detailed and precise. It also used geographical terms and was easy to follow, however some parts were repetive.

    6. It was good as it had lots of detail and geographical terms. However there is a lot of information to take in all at once

    7. This video had good detail and information but i found it quite difficult to concentrate as it was quite dull.

    8. This video is quite detailed with key terms and good explanations, however, I found it to be quite long-winded and slightly repetitive.

    9. This video contained a lot of good explanations in a lot of detail and used useful key kerms.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=jqCR-9nBgWQ

    1. I found this was a very useful resource and helped me understand how waterfalls are formed, it was short and full of all the information I needed

    2. very informative resource, useful information on waterfalls. short and snappy, simple and easy to follow.

    3. I found this resource to be a very useful guide which gave me a clear broken down process that I could easily understand. It also gave reference to what I would need to do in an exam question.

    4. This video was very useful as it broke down how a waterfalls is made and it also said how you can improve your marks in an exam.

    5. i found this video relatively good as it gave a clear explanation as to how waterfalls are formed and some exam tips

    6. This was a good short and informative source it was also simple and easy to follow.

    7. I found this resource to be precise and to the point, which made it easy to understand and follow. It also gave tips on how to explain waterfalls in an exam.

  5. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U9EhVa4MmEs

  6. I found this video very useful as it explained what longshore drift was and what happens during longshore drift. It also explains how it can be prevented. Overall the video was very simple and was a great tool

    1. An informative resource that explained only what needed to be explained and didn't go into any complicated elaborations. It also showed what prevention methods could be used against longshore drift, which was a useful side note.

  7. http://www.coolgeography.co.uk/GCSE/AQA/Coastal%20Zone/Landforms/Erosion%20Landforms.htm

    1. I found this rather useful as it gave me all the information whilst using key words. It explained everything in detail, howerver it was rather long winded.

    2. This was a very useful source because it had a lot of clear and well laid out information. On the other hand, it seemed very overloaded on one page so it could have been set out in a few different web pages.

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTAOEhSVkQ4

    1. I found this video fairly useful because not only did it explain long shore drift, it also gave an example of a way of reducing it's effects. The second half of the video I found less useful, it started to go into a case study but there wasn't enough detail for it to be useful.

    2. This video was good because it explained the method of long shore drift and it also gave some ways we can reduce it's effects. Even though the song wasn't specific to long shore drift it did help me understand the topic as a whole.

    3. I found the video useful as it explained what longshore drift is and ways we can reduce it's effects. The case study of Mappleton was a good example of longshore drift and the ways we can reduce it's effects.

    4. this was quite a good video on longshore drift and explained some methods of coastal defences against it.

    5. This video clearly explains longshore drift and then outlines some ways in which we can prevent it.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Exelently expalined good fro our project

    8. this helped me to understand what longshore drift is and how it can be stopped/ slowed

    9. This helped me understand longshore drift and how to delay it.

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqCR-9nBgWQ

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_rlmzh3CQc

    documentary about the changes occurring in arabia

    both economical and environmental.

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqCR-9nBgWQ&noredirect=1
    formation of waterfalls

    1. i learn where waterfalls are usually formed and how

    2. This helped me understand how Waterfalls are formed and where they are normally formed.

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature-endscreen&NR=1&v=veEwWj3VPF4

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MelR3ZwEpJA
    Coastal landforms

  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4rjmVoGsfQ

    1. helped me to understand how coastal erosion can lead to flooding and land slides.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. http://www.nature.com/news/how-future-urban-sprawl-maps-out-1.11426
    this is about urban sprawl

  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qKS_Nk7UmY

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpMJtin104k

  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4rjmVoGsfQ
    Coastal Erosion and land slides.
