Thursday, 25 April 2013

Right, boys, your HW is to complete the question below. I want you to answer it properly, not just use other peoples answers without knowing if they are correct or not.

I want this done by Tue evening. On Wed I will put up the mark scheme for the question. You will then have until Friday to reply to a post with a comment on what they have done, what they need to improve and a mark. Be honest, not mean or rude.

Any questions, email me.

(ii) Describe the distribution of earthquakes shown on Figure 4a.
Use evidence from Figure 4a in your answer.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Find & Share

Your task for Easter is to find a good resource on something we have looked at this year. It could be an online article or report, video, diagram..... It could be on challenges for the planet, rivers or coasts, up to you. I want you to find the resource and post the link as a comment below.

I then want you to watch/read 3 other posts and comment underneath with a comment of why you thought it was useful.

So... find and share 1 resource, comment on 3 from other people.